- Ava calling Cayden 'baby Cay'
- Ava practicing her colors and calling almost everything blue the first time until you ask again and then she typically gets it correct if it's green, red, or pink
- Cayden has stranger danger already - the pediatrician said it's a little earlier than normal which means he will be smart. Who knows if that's correct, but she knows how to make a mom feel good.
- Cayden cried at daycare and they called to have me come calm him down and he was immediately content in my arms
- After a bath Ava will lay her head on my should and cuddle with me while I hold her. One of the few times I'm guaranteed some snuggles.
- Caydens giggles when I talk in his ear and say 'mamama' or tickle him.
- Ava wanting to have me set Cayden in her lap and giving him kisses or holding his hand. My heart just melts.
- Ava sleeping like me, squirming like me, wanting to hold bags when we leave the house, rocking babies, and pushing the strollerr. And sleeping on the floor instead of in her bed one night. She is a Daddy's girl, but she is undoubtedly my mini me.
- Ava shouting 'no koda no' when he jumps at the back door or 'move dog move' when she walks past them in the kitchen. She is always listening and always watching and it's funny to see what she learns from us
- Ava grabbing caydens face and giving him kisses like I do. Or tickling his feet or armpits and saying 'tickle tickle tickle' like I do to her
- Ava wanting to sit on the counter when I cook so she can help out. I give her bowls to mix cereal, or she helps pour ingredients, or something so she can 'help'
- Ava putting diapers on her stuffed animals and doll
- Ava yelling 'I poo' the second Kyle walked in from work
- She also shouts 'I burp', 'I toot', and 'I pee'- staying classy around here
- Ava sharing her toys with the baby. Although she also shouts mine when he has her things...but at least she shares some of the time
- Ava helping feed the dogs and take out recyclables
- When I'm holding the baby Ava will pat on the pack n play and say 'baby down baby down' and when I set him down she runs to me and say 'up!' Smart girl. She does the same thing at night to Kyle so he will hold her when she is tired. The other night Kyle was sitting up with her rather than reclined back and Ava told him 'down' so he would lay back and she could be more comfy :) wrapped around his finger
- Cayden will grab his toes with one hand and suck on his other hand. You can hear sucking noises and he will have most of his fist in there. He won't take a paci so pretty sure he will be a thumb...or hand...sucker!
- Ava will see us use something even just once and remember what it's for the next time. Like when I plucked my eyebrows and she put the tweezers up to her eyes the next time she saw them. Or the reflex hammer in her kiddy medical bag and she used it on caydens knee.
- Today at the doctors I was counting books as Ava put them back in the basket and she has never counted by herself but after I said eleven she said 'telve' 'tirteen' and 'fourteen' ! She's catching on!
- Caydens bright blue eyes...not sure if they will stay that way. His blonde fluffy hair and his toothless grin. Sweetest boy.
- Ava will take a you or something and then out it behind or back and say 'where is it where is it' and sometimes the toy will drop and she will scatter to pick it up again and hide it behind her back and do the same thing with a funny look on her face...trying to be all deceiving like she doesn't know here the toy is either. Sometime she stuffs the toy under her armpit with most of the you still visible and ask where it is. She cracks me up.
- She has just started laying in the other side of the door when you close the bedroom or bathroom door. The other morning I was getting ready for work (at 6:30 am) and there are footsteps down the hall and then I hear giggles under the door and she shouts hi mama!
- Lately Ava will need something and we will tell her to get it or for her to do it and her response will be 'mama do it' or 'daddy get it' and look all innocent and nice. Already learning to pull our heart strings.
Life is good with our two babies.