I am Cayden's favorite. He cuddles close whenever someone comes near.
Ava is stubborn. We will give her the option of water or nothing after she brushes her teeth for bed and she will say nothing and roll over. She really wants juice or milk.
Her dad gave her the option of saying sorry for biting him or staying in time out and she chose time out.
I told her she needed to come in from outside or I would throw her bubbles away. She told me to throw them away.
This girl I tell ya :) only problem is I know she gets it from me
Ava showed me a magnet for our fridge. We have letters and numbers magnets. When she held it up I told her that it was a zero. She looked at it and said no no mommy that's not a zero that's a circle!
The kids were hunting Easter eggs in my in-laws backyard. Cayden was just hanging out in one spot and I told Ava to show him how to hunt for eggs and she picked a couple up and brought them right over to him and said here you go baby. She is the best big sister sometimes.
The other day I was changing Cayden and I head Ava yelling that's yucky that's yucky over and over again. I rush to clean him up to see what mess I'm going to run into and I see that Ava got the broom out and is sweeping dog fur into a pile and she points to it and goes mommy that's yucky. My little helper.
Cayden likes to hear his voice and he will squeal and we will squeal back and it just keeps going back and forth and he will get the biggest smile.
Ava and him will play peek a boo in his crib. He will crouch down and see her between the bars and then pull himself up quickly and smile at us over the crib.
Cayden splashes a lot in he bath tub and him and Ava will compete to make the biggest splashes with their hands
If Kyle and I are laughing about something both kids will start cracking up like they understand what we are laughing about. It's so cute that they copy us and are trying to be part of the conversation.