Sunday, March 17, 2013

6 months

Ava turned 6 months today!

She has her 6 month doctor appointment about a week from today so we can get her actual height and weight measurements.
We have weighed her a few times in the last couple weeks because I got nervous we would be over the weight limit for her carseat.  She is pushing 20 lbs, but we still have a pound or so until we need to switch to her bigger carseat.  She is growing too fast :(

She slept on her stomach for the first time last weekend.  We layed her down on her back...because duh we are good parents.  "Back is best" is what I always say. And every SIDS advocate and pediatrician and sleep sack and mom you run into on the street.  So anyhow I woke up and there she was sleeping on her stomach with one leg bent up.  Just like her mama sleeps :)

First night in her crib and out of Mom & Dad's room :(

She has only tried a couple new foods - sweet potatoes and green beans.  She is eager to put everything in her mouth.  When we are eating I will sit her on my lap and she pulls every plate, cup, and fork towards her.  It's fun to watch, however, we are learning to be on high alert with baby dangers because she reaches for everything and puts everything in her mouth. 

I love to see how curious she is about everything around her, but I am nervous about all small objects, sharp objects, heavy objects, every object.  Everything screams baby hazard.  Too hot of food hazard.  Too small of object for baby to choke on hazard.  Small ant crawling towards Ava when we let her feel the grass hazard.  Sometimes I think something isn't a hazard and am really laid back and think that the heavens have opened up and Ava is going to survive the day.  And then Kyle jumps in to kill the ant crawling towards her...seriously this happened.  Or the time I allowed Ava to do tummy time on the table...with my arms around her because duh I'm a good Mom...but she might have stuck her mouth on the table and licked it.  I thought it was cute and funny but the hubby informed me of all the germs that were on the table that are now in her mouth.  Oops.  And so I am learning all the potential baby hazards one day at a time.

I can make Ava laugh when I say "uh-oh" and "mama".  She loves to sit (with assistance), roll (stomach to back, back to stomach, left to right, right to left, somersaults...just kidding on that last one), throw toys (no assistance there), jump in her jumper (because that's what jumpers are for), and pull on everything (hair, neck skin, leg hair, dog ears, shirt strings, the drink in your hand).  She has no teeth yet.  But everyone insists that she has teeth coming in because she drools all the time.  She has drooled for 3 months now so I think everyone is full of it and we will just wait for a tooth to actually  make an appearance.

She has been giggling a lot.  It is so cute.  She cries and pouts when Kyle or I leave the room.  She is interested in everything and squirms a lot.  She loves to grab things so bowls, cooking utensils, and plasticware are now her new toys to play with.  And she is even sweeter when she falls asleep on us.

With how happy she is it makes me wonder about nature vs nuture.  Am I making her this happy because I'm so awesome and probably the funniest person in the world?!  Or was she born this way and even if I slumped around all day and wasn't very involved with her would she still light up the way she does because of her genes?  I guess either way it's because of me and the hubs but still makes you wonder.  Either way I love acting like a fool just to break out her smile and giggles throughout the day.

Ava in her goofy Grandpa flannel PJs

She wants to move and watch everything.  But sometimes I have to set her down just get get ready and she gets bummed that she is not sitting on the ground with all her toys or being held.  On this patricular day I set her in her pack n play while I was getting ready and she looked like she was in jail behind the mesh lining :)

What a goof

Yesterday we watched the KSU vs KU game for the Big 12 Championship game.  I really didn't watch the game but KSU lost.  I was too busy taking cute pictures:

Happy Girl

Practicing her KSU Cheerleading moves
More interested in her foot than the game
Happy 6 months Ava!  We are already thinking about how to celebrate your first birthday!
Love you :)
And Happy Saint Patricks Day!