Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dear Baby Girl

Dear Baby Girl,

You are almost 6 months
In my mind that makes you almost a year
which makes you almost ready for school
which means you are already grown up

That is years down the road but oh goodness it's going so fast.

I read all the books - ok all 2 of my books - and briefly skim through them to see what milestones you will be reaching week by week and month by month.
At 5 months I read what you would be doing by the end of the month and I would be thinking oh we might be a little late on this or that.
And then one day you just up and reach that milestone!
There aren't really any baby steps in between you just go from 0 to 100.

We have watched you grow up and be more functional and independent in so many ways

From spitting out all your solid foods to holding the spoon and shoving the food near your mouth.
From hating tummy time to lifting your whole chest off the ground with your arms.

From being entertained by us reading you your books to reaching and grabbing the pages yourself.
From being stationary on the changing table to squirming and grabbing the lamp behind you.  Baby-proofing is starting now!

From laying on your play mat and reaching up to the toys to flipping from back to stomach (first ironically) and now from stomach to back (We think you do this to get out of tummy time because we are only able to get a few seconds in before you flip to your back every time).

My video coverage is like a classic home video from the 90s

From having a bobble head to sitting up between our legs to play with your toys.
From shoving towels on the sides of you so you wouldn't flop around in your carseat to now sitting with no carseat in your stroller for a walk.  Enjoying watching the world head on.
And from Mommy crying when she had to leave you at daycare or with family to you crying when Mommy leaves you...and Mommy still crying.

Baby girl you are growing up.

You are sweet, happy, and make us laugh with all your little quirks. 

We were never morning people, but the second you wake up we sit and listen to you talk to yourself for a bit and then are ready to play with you before 7 in the morning.  I have so many favorite things about you that I hope I can remember.  Some of my favorite things from the first weeks and months you have already grown out of.  Like the silly *sigh* you made after each time you sneezed.  That was your Daddy's favorite.  Or how excited you got when we said "hi" in a really high-pitched voice.  It used to always make you break out a smile.  I'm always learning the new things to say or do to get you to break out your cute smile.

I love how when I get down by your face you reach your hands out and touch my face - kinda like you are a blind person discovering something new.  Grabbing my lips and teeth, pulling our noses, grabbing my cheeks.  I love it.
You get really excited and smile when I make a face like I'm chewing a huge mouthful of food.  You will watch me while I eat and just be tickled when I chew.  So I started doing it without food in my mouth and you still get a kick out of it - and it works perfect for pictures!
You also love when I say "mama mama mama" over and over.  I get the biggest smile.  And the same happens when Dad says "dada dada dada".  We can't wait for you to say one of these words yourself.  And sometimes we keep saying mama or dada to you so that we will be the one to win and get you to say our word first.
You love your hands.  You shove them in your mouth.  You help shove one hand in your mouth by pushing it with your other hand.  And you suck on your fingers and thumbs like it's your job.

I will kiss you from one cheek to the other and you will squeal.
You also squeal when you spot one of the dogs across the way.  We have set you near each of them and you love to pet them and pull their hair and ears.  You will come up with handfuls of fur, but luckily the dogs are pretty good with it.  And Koda loves to get you endless kisses - we let him have a few before we force him to stop - he loves your face and feet.
We have gotten you to do a really cute belly laugh only a handful of times - and we aren't sure what it was that tickled you so much so we haven't gotten it out of you that much.  It was the cutest sound.
You make a funny growling sound throughout the day.  Not for any reason in particular.  But we have started calling you our little monster because of this funny sound.
I love that you grab onto me when I'm holding you.  That you grab my clothes or my shoulder and just hang on.  It's almost like you're hugging me back or at least grasping on because you need me.
You snore and it's the cutest little sound of contentment.
I love when you pass out in my lap - we will have trouble getting you to sleep and I will pick you up and you are immediately asleep and it makes me feel good that I make your world better and that I'm that comfort for you.

I love that you cry when I leave you - that when I set you down with someone else you make this huge pouty lip and whimper and cry.  Saddest pouty lip I have ever seen.  I probably shouldn't but I run back to you and pick you up and give you kisses all over to make it better.  At some point I will have to walk away so I don't make the separation worse - but I'm not at that point yet.  I want you to be ok when I leave.  But when I first took you to daycare you were the youngest one and all the other parents would leave their kids and they would cry and they would pick up their kids and their kids were grinning ear to ear and bouncing up and down.  And you were too young for those reactions and I would think to myself that you didn't know I was your Mommy or that I was doing something wrong that you weren't super excited when I picked you up.  You even cried a few times when we would leave daycare to come home (because it was time for food and a nap) but I would think to myself that you loved daycare more than you loved being with me and would think you were sad to leave them and sad you were now stuck with me.  All thoughts of a first time Mom?  I tried to act like you were just well-adjusted and loved everyone but it got me right in the heart each time.  And as selfish as it is - Now that you cry when I leave - I love it beause I know you know me and know I'm Mom.  And besides that you know I'm Mom - you also want me to be there more than you want to be with whoever I dropped you off with.  And I feel on top of the world to be that one person you just can't do without.  Because that's how I've felt about you all along.

Tomorrow is our first official Mommy & Me Monday.  We are going to an exercise class where the moms are able to work out with their kids - by holding their kids and doing different exercises with them.  I am so excited this class was offered on Mondays.  What are the chances that is my only day off work and that's the only day it's offered?!  In the next couple weeks the weather should warm up and I can't wait to share the day with you to let you explore the world in my favorite seasons - the warm seasons.  We have these cute summer clothes just waiting to put on you.  Your first little pair of shorts that will show you cute little legs off that have been covered up since you were born.  Cute little tank tops.  And I'm so very excited to get you your first little bikini.  I've had to hold off on buying it because you are growing up so fast and I don't know what clothes you will be in when summer weather finally rolls around!  But I've been searching since December.

Little girl you have made our lives so wonderful and we feel so blessed to have you.  As much as I love watching each stage as you learn and grow a part of me just wants to have you stay little and dependent on me.  I never want you to out-grow loving me and cuddling with me and thinking I'm the best and funniest person in the world.  Sometimes I look around and wish I could just freeze time because our times as a family with the dogs just seems so perfect and I don't want to ever forget it or ever have it change.  And sometimes I think it can't get better than this.  But I would love to be proved wrong like I have been so many times in the past.

I love you with all my heart forever and for always
