Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mommy & Me Mondays

I have started a new job as of this Monday.  I am excited and nervous about the change.  Even though things change pretty often for me, I get pretty comfortable with where I'm at and the people I meet so I hate the initial transition phase.  However, one of the changes for this job is that instead of working 8-5 Monday thru Friday, I will now work 10 hour days Tuesday thru Friday and have Mondays off.  You know what that means?! I get Mondays off with my little girl :) 

I am very excited because although I have had the same schedule as my husband and we got weekends off as a family, going from 24/7 with our baby after she was born to 24/2 and minimal time on week nights really blows!  And as much as I love parenting with Kyle on the weekends, there is something special of just getting to have the day with the two of us.  So this week and next week I will have a varied scheduled because of training, but after that our Mondays will be just us girls (and the dogs)! 

My goal was to have more time with Ava by the time she was 5 months (I made this my New Years goal and she turned 5 months in mid-February) I didn't exactly give myself that much time to make this change - unless I just up and quit working.  Sounds nice and would have helped me cross off my New Years resolution, but isn't really a realistic option at this time.  The job is still 40 hours a week, but if you take off my travel time and blah blah blah I still have extra time...and regardless one full day with Ava instead of an hour each night after work is going to be fabulous!  So I am pretty happy with how things are working out!

So with all that said...I have decided that I will be starting a post called Mommy & Me Mondays!  We may just stay in our PJs all day or venture out as the weather gets warmer or try new solid foods (I know, I know hold back your enthusiasm - we sound pretty crazy and adventurous over here!) But it will just be a post to remember my days with Ava and will be fun to see how they change as she gets more mobile and functional.

I've also decided to end each post with a few things I'm loving right now so here it goes:
  • I love that our dog Samson whines at 4am to cuddle in bed with us each morning
  • I love that Ava whines when I leave her for a second - her separation anxiety (that she barely has) just makes me know that she knows I'm Mom and know she loves and misses me
  • I love that Ava will bury her head in my shoulder when a new person comes around
  • I love that Kyle and I still laugh with each other
    • tonight's example: sadly there was a gas leak in a restaurant downtown and it burst into flames - at the same time this is on the news our dog Koda is farting like crazy and it smellllllls. so Kyle makes some comment about having a gas leak at our house, too.  Yeah it may come off as corny but he makes me laugh a lot.
    • or we laugh about my chapstick obsession - we find chapstick under the pillows, under the coffee table, and sometimes multiple chapsticks will fall off of me as I stand up - dropping out of my jacket or pants - and crash to the ground.  We don't even have to say anything - we just look at each other and laugh.
  •  I love making Ava laugh and squeal by burying my head in her cheek and neck and making goofy sounds
  • I love our awkward dog Samson who just stands in the backyard staring at us like a weirdo when we try to call him to come inside

And I will probably always have a few pics because as much as I laugh at my mom for being a paparazzi...I have now become my mother. and one day Ava will become me.  So hopefully she will enjoy all of these pics just as much as I love capturing them.  All thousand plus of them!


Trying to clean her, but we have a spew monster.  She cracks me up.

Loving bath time!
Have a good night :)