Thursday, February 14, 2013

Round 2

Round 2 of blogging. A year later. This is so sad. Anyhow, Happy Valentine's Day! I'm not anti-valentines or anything. But my little girl went to daycare in a yellow ducky onesie - no pink to be found on her. No little hearts or glitter on her outfit. Yellow ducks. She is adorable, but I should probably try a bit harder to celebrate holidays with her. Even if it's just for the one picture we'll snap of her before she spews on her outfit :)

I have been trying to re-vamp my blog all day! This is complicated people! I have gone to blogging help websites, websites that say just save this picture for your background or add the HTML and it's supposedly so easy...and I follow directions...and it doesn't work. Seriously?! I will keep fiddling with it, because although my blog isn't the standard template that blogspot offers, it is still not what I'm going for.

I'm more determined to keep this blog up and going, because our little girl is now 5 months! Meaning I have 5 months of pictures which by my calculations of have 5 months of pictures x first born status x paparazzi mom = thousands of pictures. Literally thousands. I have got to at least get a few on this blog. I also want to capture a few of our daily happenings and Ava's firsts. Even just a few months down the road it will be awesome to have this blog as a little diary of sorts.
Go Cats!
Almost 5 months

On our first walk this Spring - love the warm weather!