Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Day

Every year I countdown until warmer weather.  Once the chill comes in the air around October or so I'm thinking ok the holidays are coming up so that is good.  And the cold weather will come and go by January.  So then January rolls around and I'm thinking just make it to February and then winter is over because if it's February then it's basically March and if it's March then it's SPRING!  And everyone knows you can't have snow when it's spring time so in February there can be no more snow!  This is my thought process and once in awhile the weather does not agree with this train of thought.

This is one of those years.

In the middle of my work day on Wednesday we were already told that we did not need to come in on Thursday.  The weather forecast predicted over 10 inches of snow!  Schools and events were already being canceled before a single snowflake fell.  Anyhow, I was excited to stay home - not excited for the snow part.  I woke up Thursday morning and looked out the window around 6am.  No snow.  What the hell?!  I was half waiting to get a phone call in the early morning to come on into work.  But about 30 minutes later the snow begins.  And it keeps going and going and within a few hours we had several inches of snow on the ground.  Kyle got to stay home, too, but he worked from his computer.  So we got our first snow day on February 21st.  Seriously only a week from March and we are getting snow?!  I hate this.

The dogs were ecstatic and leaped around the backyard for hours.  And later in the day we all ventured out as well.

She was happy to go out.  But once we got out she was kinda like Mom - looking around and thinking what the hell is this cold with a scowl on her face.  We are warm weather folk.  But she looks pretty cute as an eskimo baby!
This pic is from the next day with the roads cleared.
Apparently we are getting another round of this on Monday.  Not just another couple inches.  Another 10 inches.  Then hopefully the sunny skies open up and melt all of this so we can start going on walks and wearing shorts!
Happy almost end of snow season!